Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hair Analysis - 1st (2009-10-17)

In June and July I was starting to have weird problems. In August I went home and other than severe asthma, which I did not have before, I was fine. Then upon returning to Korea, I got dog sick, so sick in fact that I spent one week in and out of the hospital emergency rooms and then getting no headway whatsoever rushed to a US-based nutritional hospital for 11 days, Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital. I was reacting to all kinds of foods and had whittled my food down to hardly anything (everything made me sick and then because I wasn't eating due to reactions, I was quickly getting weak). I also had horrendous insomnia, as in, maximum of 2 hours of sleep a night. Upon returning to Korea, a friend told me about a facility where I could get a hair analysis so assess my nutrient levels over the past 3 months. Blood tests weren't picking up anything but hair analyses can find things that a blood level on one day can't. So my results:


Out-of-balance ratios:
sodium/magnesium (Na/Mg) - if magnesium low, hypoadrenalism may occur
calcium/magnesium (Ca/Mg) - the balance is important for maintaining the bones, muscular contractions, nerve conduction, and cardiovascular system; magnesium deficiency may result in calcium deposits in bones and tissues, muscular spasms, diastolic hypertension, arteriosclerosis from fat and calcium deposits in arteries, bladder impairment (feeling of bladder fullness or urgency), constipation
calcium/phosphorus (Ca/P) - needed for maintaining skeleton and teeth
calcium/potassium (Ca/K) - generally related to hypoglycemia, chronic fatigue, hypothyroidism, hypotension, melancholia
zinc/copper (Zn/Cu) - if copper is low, increase in cholesterol and cardiovascular disease and low=density lipoprotein is increased (which results in deposits in arteries) and causes damage to immune system or increases bacterial infection

Zinc - excess
Zinc is antagonized with copper; therefore, excess zinc may occur when copper is deficient. Symptoms: fatigue, anorexia, hypotrophy, melancholia, apathy, apatheia, diarrhea, hypogeusia, hyposmia, postprandial fullness, anemia, ight blindness, delay ininjury curing, skin dryness, dermatitis, keratitis, alopecia areata, growth retardation, delay in sexual function matureness, sexual dysfunction (impotence), female infertility, diaetes, liver cirrhosis, increase in cholesterol level.

Iron - deficiency
Causes: pregnant or menstrating women, lack of iron intake, absorption disorder, parasite, malnutrition, drug, deficiency of other vitamins/minerals, hyperparathyroidism, abnormal acidity in the stomach (causing malabsorption in the intestines), antacid
Symptoms: anemia, fatigue, alopecia, fingernail weakening, irrularity, constipation, dysphagia, hypothyroidism, infection by immunodepression, concentration disorders, depressed lefel of consciousness, brain damage, damage to nervous development such as excessive behavior
Sources: dry laver, coarse tea, curry, boiled hard-necked clam, green tea, dry anchovy, brewer's yeast, dry bamboo shoot, dry salted shrimp, boiled kelp, pig liver, roasted sesame, soybean, powdered beans; herbs: peppermint, chickweed, comfrey root, licorice root, goldenseal root.
Vanadium is helpful to use iron. Collaborative vitamins: vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C and E. Animal protein has large amounts of iron.

Manganese - deficiency
Generates energy and needed throughout the body, especially in mitochondria in cells. Is a component of enzyme which activates other enzymes, so helps with synthesis and metabolism of fatty acid, carbs and proteins. Plays an important role in fighting against free radicals and maintaining normal thyroid function.
Symptoms: fatigue, headaches, lack of endurance, weight loss, asthma, ringing in the ears, decreased hearing ability, decrease in neutral fat and lipoprotein, disturbances in posture/growth, disorders in joints and waist, delay in bone growth, tendon disorder, osteoporsis, infertility, degeneration of ovary and testicles, inborn errors of metabolism, ex. apple syrup disease and Pyenylketonuria, dermatitis, slow-growing nails and hair, hair discoloration to reddish-brown
Foods: brazil nuts, almonds, barley, rye, buckwheat, dry peas, wheat, walnuts, spinach, nuts, raisin, carrots, uncleaned rice, wheat bread, cheese, cabbage (high-protein diet can improve manganese levels)

Vanadium - deficiency
Results: limits synthesis of amino acid, protein, cholesterol and hemoglobin, hyperglycemia, respiratory infection, kidney stones, hypokalemia in blood
Symptoms: increased cholesterol level, cardiovascular and renal diseases, decrease in fertility; in actuality, little is known about deficiencies in vanadium
Excessive vanadium found in work places, ex. petroleum refining, boiler washing, metal refining, etc

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