Again for this recipe I blend my own whole grains into flour just prior to making the waffles in order to have maximum health effects of whole food nutrition that's been "processed".
Black Rice & Buckwheat WafflesStep 1: In the BlendTec whizz the dry ingredients into a flour (black rice, buckwheat, flaxseed, cinnamon, cloves and sea salt).
1 1/2 cups black (or wild) rice
1 cup buckwheat
4-5 tablespoon flaxseed
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1/2 cup almonds (soaked 6-12 hours, discard soak water)
3 tablespoons coconut oil
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla (alcohol free and w/o corn syrup)
1 teaspoon sea salt
water as needed
Step 2: Add in the wet ingredients (water, drained almonds, coconut oil and vanilla) and whizz to a thick but pourable batter. You will need to adjust the water as this recipe (as always) is by eye-ball measurements.
Step 3: Pour the batter into a lightly oiled hot waffle griddle. In the picture above the small square dish in the lower right hand corner contains coconut oil and a paper towel for whisking the oil lightly onto the griddle - works excellently.
Step 4: Cook the waffles till done. I needed to flip the waffles over to cook the tops better as they are a heavier batter than light wheat waffles with leavening. Without the (chemical) leavening the waffles will be more substantial but also will take more time to cook, about 15 minutes per waffle. When in my mom's kitchen and cooking for four, I pull out three waffle griddles and keep them going! What a set-up but no such luxury in my rinky-dink kitchen.
Breakfast, Lunch and Supper
Lunch can be a sandwich between the waffle "breads". Here I've "buttered" my waffles with a little coconut oil and plopped in a large wad of sprouts, which need to be washed VERY well - bacteria and e.coli lurk in poorly washed sprouts! Top with a tomato slice or two, and a nut or seed dressing. After this picture was taken I remembered a sunflower seed and millet dressing I made yesterday. Wow, it brought out the fresh sprouts and complemented both in appearance and in taste the buckwheaty flavor.
For supper waffles can make scoops for hummus and cucumber salads and other Indian dishes. I eat vegies at about every meal so why can't waffles be a lunch or supper food too?
So glad to find your blog, I suspect that I have candida. I'll keep having a look around. Check me out at It's me trying out the million and one ways we can improve our health. I have had arthritis and now have Hashomotos disease, and almost every single symptom of candida. :)