5-6 cups broccoli pieces (bite size)
1-2 carrots shredded
1 medium sweet onion diced
Creamy Dressing:
4" daikon radish
1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked and drained
3 cloves garlic
2-3 T. fresh lemon juice
1 wedge of onion
1/2 heaping t. sea salt
black pepper (optional)
water as needed
For the core of the salad, cut up the broccoli and onion and shred the carrots and dump in a large salad bowl. For the dressing in a high-speed blender add all the dressing ingredients and whizz them to the desired consistency to pour over and mix into the salad. For those being particular with root veggies because of candida reacting to high amounts of starchy root veggies, replacing the shredded carrots with dried tomato flecks and chopped up yellow pepper or other substitutes will work to reduce the "sugar" intake. With raw food recipes, options are nearly endless!
garnished with home-sun-dried tomatoes |